Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Girlfriends are neat!

Last week was super cold -50 wind chill and school was even cancelled. This was the perfect reason to call Isla and Erin to come over since Erin is a school teacher we were thrilled to call them up on a Friday morning and have them to tea. Erin reads a story to our little Princess Liesl and little Princess Isla.

Liesl and Isla showed us some amazing dance moves and gorgeous dresses.

Tea and fairy cakes time! We so enjoyed having tea together (moms got coffee). The girls are getting so good at pretending and playing that Erin and I actually had some adult conversation instead of refereeing the girls.

So the girls don't only play dress up and drink tea. Another day, this time at the Pep's house, the girls had a great game of hockey in the basement! It is so fun to have girlfriends.


Jerri said...

I absolutely adore the hockey photos! Mark also really enjoyed, since he loves it so much.

karina said...

glo stick party at my house.