Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas at Nana and Papa'a

What great weather for playing outside. Boy was it nice to have plenty of snow to spend Christmas day outdoors and sledding. The only downfall was that Dana had to work otherwise the whole crew would have been home for the holidays. Liesl now loves the sled and sledding. Once again What a Wonderful Life (I can't say it enough).

Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

Here are Dave and Liesl playing in the snow yesterday evening. We have some lovely lights in our trees to light an area for night fun outside. We feel so grateful to all of our family and friends for making this holiday season so wonderful. We truly feel like we lead a charmed life.
Happy Holidays
Namaste from Dave and Jodie and Mamatee from Liesl

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baf, Baf (translation-bath)

Liesl loves baths so much that if you say the word "bath" she imediately runs upstairs to the bath.Thus we have begun calling the "bath" the aquatic experience in her presence. Here is an example of her love of the white thing that holds water, used to clean dirt and food off of one's body. Oh Dave forgot to turn the light on as they head up the stairs, this is not some fancy fade out technique.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Yum Yum!

Hey, feeding myself is not as hard as everyone says!!

Playing in the Snow

We are so excited to have snow (and lots of it) already this winter, it is a nice change from the past few years. Liesl really loves snowmen (particularly Frosty). However she has taken a couple of face plants in the snow and does not think that is very neat. So now she likes looking at the snow but really dislikes the sled and standing in the snow. I think the love will come back as soon as we have some sticky snow to make a snowman in our yard.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On the Catwalk! (hee hee)

Sorry sidways again. We took this picture and thought it was soooooo cute/funny. Liesl is acting the perfect little baby model with the pose and everything. I am glad we caught this on camera at least one time, it will not happen often I have a feeling.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Little Girl

Liesl is truly turning into a little girl. She is growing up fast, she can express most of here wishes (demands) with her words now, which is liberating and much more convenient for us. Oh and by the way Liesl saw a picture of Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover of a magazine and pointed and said "Jodie Mama". Yup I look just like Gwyneth, and yes Liesl has begun calling me Jodie.

Let it no, Let it no, Let it no

The first snowfall of the year! Liesl and I had to run to every window in the house and yell "wow snow" or in Lieslese "wow nooooo"

Our yard is an absolute winter wonderland dream when it snows!

Halloween fun

Our first Halloween in our new home. Liesl loved giving out candy. We had about 70 kids come. We were warned by the neighbors to expect about 250 so Dave and I have been eating lots of candy! There is an allyway separating us from the trick or treating super highway. We stood looking forlornly out the porch window as gaggles of kids headed down the street with nary a look in our direction. (70 is not that bad)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Autumn Bliss!

Fun in the beautiful fall leaves. Have you ever seen such joy!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Check out our Family Photos!

Check out our family photos, link on sidebar Magic Box / online proofing / cope proofs / password Liesl

It was pouring rain that day so we did some indoors by our fireplace until it let up.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hi Manda!

Liesl has learned so many words and catches on to new ones quickly. Her recent favorite on Thursday was hitting something saying "ouch," then saying "gentle," or in Liesl talk it was more like "Ouch! Dendah" In this video we have her saying "Hi Manda" to her Auntie Manda who came to visit.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bibliophile Babe

We couldn't be happier that Liesl has inherited our love of books.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

Our little cave baby!

Liesl loves the dirt and mud is even more enticing. Sticks and Mud, really what could be better?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here is our new living room. The stairs provide endless entertainment (liesl) and fear (us). Liesl refuses to go down the stairs backwards. We have painted and put in some new carpet and we are in and loving our new digs!

Here we are in our new yard! Liesl loves the new house and the yard. She cannot resist the hose! We go through many outfits when watering the plants.

Buns! So cute!

We took a trip to Nana and Papa's cabin and Liesl loved feeding the chipmunks. She caught on quickly and was looking for peanuts the whole weekend.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Check Liesl's One Year Photos!

Liesl is now 1 year old. We have been having so much fun. Last week we had her one year photos done and the proofs are on line at

If you go on online proofing under Cope photos the password is Liesl.
These are once again some of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. Chelsea Morgan (magic box photography) does such an incredible job, particularly with children. We had so much fun!

Liesl loves jewels and scarves and anything "pretty". Don't worry mom only lets her wear things around her neck while supervised.
If you look closely you can see little piggy tails in one of these. (yup she is into the toilet paper again, but she holds still for photos so well when distracted)

I love dancing and movin' and groovin'

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Woof Woof!

Liesl just loves puppies. This is her stuffed puppy (I think it was a gift from Bob and Denise?) She carries it around and wrestles with it then cuddles on the floor, and yells ahr ahr in her high pitched squeal.

Wow! I just love playing on the kitchen floor!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Liesl started walking (well) about 2 weeks ago and I just can't believe how grown up she seems. I am also amazed at the perseverance of these little ones, falling and getting up and falling again. I think we could all learn something from them when we fall or falter.

Friday, June 1, 2007

A born musician!

Liesl is getting very good at walking and playing the guitar. Dad still has to do the cords but the strumming is all her!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chocoholic ( she comes by it honestly!)

Liesl can now reach one of our counters. She is very tall and a thief! I was making Dave's birthday cake and my chocolate chips disappeared from the countertop.

Wacky Weather!

So more crazy weather. Snowing in May!

Wacky Weather!

We have had some funky weather lately. Here is a hail ball from a storm the other week. Dana said Ellie found some the size of baseballs!!!

Pretty Girl

Fake flowers make great toys! And even better photos.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Nah nah nah!

No Liesl does not have a bad attitude yet but she sure does stick her tongue out at us on a regular basis.

Revenge of the Nerds Anyone?

Yep, sometimes we are so cool that we look well uncool to those who don't know what cool really is.
Liesl is just on the cutting edge of fashion, if you were wondering.

Spring is springing!

We enjoyed a fabulous day out on the deck and playing in the yard for the first time, and now she just stands at the screen door and stares out the window. You can see a little bit of the lake in the background of this photo.

I just had to take a photo of Liesl in her first baseball cap. She just looked so cute!

The Toilet Paper Bandit!

Liesl is very stealthy. I will be doing my hair and she is so silent as she unrolls the toilet paper I usually don't even turn around until it is all over.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Marker fun!

Liesl got into the markers at Auntie Alicia's house. Luckily it was washable. Yummy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What cuties!

Liesl and her friend Isla love playing together (or at least next to each other) This is the day Liesl took her very first steps. Erin and Isla were able to witness the momentous occasion. So the official date was April 12th at 9 months and 10 days.
We are a little bit proud!

Cloth Diapers!

Ooops! Another sideways photo. Sorry.
Believe it or not this was one of Dave's cloth diapers. We were messing around and had no pins so we stuck it on with a paperclip.
So here is a question. How on earth did people not puncture vital organs when pinning diapers on wild wiggle bug children?

Yummy. Boogers.

Liesl has found her lovely nostrils. It is amazing how facinating the holes in ones nose can be. This is one of many brilliant finger up the nose photos we have taken.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Little Irish Lassie

Liesl's first St. Patty's Day.

Jude and Liesl enjoyed our blizzard and the drifts that came along with it. Although our yard didn't have any snow deeper than five feet, Park Point had drifts of up to 20 feet.