Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Fun!

This fall has been filled with many fun things.   This is a hodge podge of photos of our fall festivities so far!

amongst the apples

cousins Nolin and Mia playing in the hammock - Mia is trying to kiss Nolin

Liesl's preschool class came over to pick our apples for cider making.

here is the last of our apples

These are her teachers Ms. Jodi and Ms. Emily - they are amazing!

Kids roaming the yard looking for dropped apples.

The kiddos did an impromptu apple song for me.

Today at school they learned about raccoons.

The apples are ready for the cider pressing!

The "Cider Man" taught us all how to make cider in his back yard.

chopping the apples

pressing the apples

oh my goodness, it was delicious!

oops sideways - Liesl and our neighbor Sydney and their leaf queen crowns

Princess Liesl and Princess Esmae frolic in the leaves.

Baby Princess Elsa hops in the hammock with the "big girls"

1 comment:

bat act said...

Wow! I can't believe all the apples you got from your tree! How cool! I want an apple tree and cider man to come to my house!