Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What cuties!

Liesl and her friend Isla love playing together (or at least next to each other) This is the day Liesl took her very first steps. Erin and Isla were able to witness the momentous occasion. So the official date was April 12th at 9 months and 10 days.
We are a little bit proud!


Jerri said...

We are so excited for little Liesl!!! And Isla is such a sweetie, too. No wonder you're both so proud! What an early first-stepper! We can't wait to see her; it's been way too long. We're not deliberating much more on making a date to see you before Mark leaves. We'll be in touch soon.
Love you both!

bat act said...

Wow Jodie nice job changing the music! Patty Griffin, I am not surprised! :)
I love all your updated pictures. :)

Karen and Chris said...

Love the hair. She's wearing it like Alexander!