Friday, April 27, 2007

Marker fun!

Liesl got into the markers at Auntie Alicia's house. Luckily it was washable. Yummy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What cuties!

Liesl and her friend Isla love playing together (or at least next to each other) This is the day Liesl took her very first steps. Erin and Isla were able to witness the momentous occasion. So the official date was April 12th at 9 months and 10 days.
We are a little bit proud!

Cloth Diapers!

Ooops! Another sideways photo. Sorry.
Believe it or not this was one of Dave's cloth diapers. We were messing around and had no pins so we stuck it on with a paperclip.
So here is a question. How on earth did people not puncture vital organs when pinning diapers on wild wiggle bug children?

Yummy. Boogers.

Liesl has found her lovely nostrils. It is amazing how facinating the holes in ones nose can be. This is one of many brilliant finger up the nose photos we have taken.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Little Irish Lassie

Liesl's first St. Patty's Day.

Jude and Liesl enjoyed our blizzard and the drifts that came along with it. Although our yard didn't have any snow deeper than five feet, Park Point had drifts of up to 20 feet.

Bongo mania!!

The Year of the Golden Pig

Liesl received this incredible little outfit from our friends Heidi, Neil, and Jonas who are living in China for a couple of years. We had our annual Chinese New Year Party and we had all kinds of authentic goodies and decorations for the occasion.

Thanks so much Heidi, Neil and Jonas we miss you!

Rub a Dub Dub!

Liesl enjoys a splash in the tub. (good thing since Mom lets her smear food everywhere, Dad does not!)
Dave pulled out Nana and Papa's guitar and played some lovely music by the tree. Liesl and I just sat/laid there and soaked up the lights and music.

Holiday fun!

Liesl had this beautiful little dress but cried and cried until we stripped her down to her onsie then she was happy again!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Liesl and Nana's Clock

Auntie Manda took this video and unfortunately we can't figure out how to turn it right side up! Maybe our next video will be more successful!

Welcome to our blog!

This is Liesl. She was born on July 2nd at 4:01am. She was 6lbs. 12oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. Since then she has been growing in leaps and bounds. We would like to share all her new achievements with our family and friends and this seems to be a great way to do it since our family and friends spread from Florida to Pennsylvania to Minnesota. Our goal is to post a new picture once a month. If we get really good at it we may post once a week but we will start with small goals since this is new for us. We hope you enjoy her as much as we do! :)