Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"Poor no man"

Wow it is actually warm out here!
We will have to fix our snowman and give him a new nose,
because the squirrels ate the last two.

Look Jude my "no man" is so nice, and his nose is really great.

Hey....! Jude....! Oh no "no man"! Don't eat his nose!!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kinder-Shuttle Blasts Off!

Here is the newest, coolest piece of gear for outdoor Mamas and Dadas. We found this kindershuttle on craigslist and our friends Mark and Jerri picked it up for us in Minneapolis. We took the shuttle for its maiden voyage on Park Point (Lake Superior in the background). It was a brisk day but Liesl stayed warm and even zonked out fast asleep about halfway through the hike. This thing is comfortable, warm for baby, and bonus Liesl won't run me over on the hills now!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Coca-cola Hat

I think that I have had this hat since 2nd grade or something. Sara Polski you should recognize it! We must have had matching ones at some point. Anyhow Liesl insists that one of us wear this hat on every excursion out of doors.

Does every parent do this?

Is is cruel to take photos like this? We have so many! Here is Liesl the frog/elephant and Liesl the warrior princess baby.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Singing/Reading What talant!

As of Jan. 2 Liesl is now officially 1 1/2 years old. Dave and I were in the kitchen last night and we could hear Liesl's rendition of Frosty the Snowman (her favorite song) coming from the living room. Of course she was not quite as boisterous when I got out the camera but this is still pretty cute. The book is not actually Frosty the Snowman, however it is a book all about snowmen and snowwomen and snowdogs etc....
Enjoy storytime!